Strahan Sara and Keke DJ
See DJ Carl© participate in a “LIVE” Strahan, Sara, and Keke segment
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GMA3 Deals and Steals
The above video shows DJ Carl© participating in a contest called “Wrap it! You GUESS it!” Deals and Steals. Though, the music DJ expert could not guess the product. He did end up with a low-budget, new, watch.

Wrap it! You GUESS it! deals and steals watch
Strahan, Sara, and Keke engaged with their superfans before the ABC network cancelled the GMA3 afternoon telecast. It was a pleasure that DJ Carl© was invited to sit in the Good Morning America third hour with the deals and steals audience. Michael Strahan and Sara Haines were extremely friendly.
Michael Strahan + Sara Haines

Again, fans around the country were disappointed that the afternoon talk show did not last a full year of production.
GMA3 “Every Client is a Celebrity”
Hire GMA3 DJ Carl©